Guest post by Terry Tyler: Where do writers get their ideas?


Hello, Lisette and her readers―and thank you so much for stopping by on the blog tour for Hope!

Lisette gave me free rein on subject matter for this article … which always makes my mind go completely blank. Then, the other day, I found my topic quite by accident when a reader asked me this question: Where do you get your ideas from?

Writers are often asked this, by readers, or by new writers who are putting fingers to keys for the first time. I shy away when asked in person, as I was the other day, as I find talking about what I do quite difficult; I say something like, ‘I dunno, it just happens’. Writing about it, though, is so much easier.

The truth is that ideas come from all sorts of places. The easiest, for me, was The Devil You Know, which came from the title of another book: The Serial Killer’s Wife. I saw it during an Amazon browse, and thought, wow―what it would be like to fear that the monster in the newspapers was your husband, or your son, or friend? The plot, and even the title and some of the main characters, appeared in my head, just like that.

It’s rarely that easy, though, and Hope was one of those that took me a long time to pull together in my mind.

A subject that interests me greatly is how the our thoughts are influenced by the media, especially what we see on social media sites, and how attitudes follow trends, and can be cyclical. One day, out of the blue, I began to wonder if there would ever be a backlash against the way that ‘fat-shaming’ is now such a no-no. Instead of the Dove cosmetics ethos of ‘everyone is beautiful in their own way’, which was maybe a reaction to the ‘size zero’ fad of the noughties, I considered how today’s young women would react if―as was the case when I was a teenager―fashion shops sold no size higher than a 14 (US size 10), and if even this size 14 was inches smaller than it is now.

Then I thought: what if fat-shaming became the norm? Would people be considered unemployable if they were ‘plus-size’? Could this prejudice be used as a tool by government and employers, in a world only a decade into the future when so many jobs will be lost through increased automation? If many people were unable to find work, for this reason and that of the downturn in employment opportunities, how would they live?

I had the beginning of a plot!

My books are always totally character driven, so I needed an observer who would watch all this coming to fruition―and, in my future UK, who better than a popular blogger and social media influencer? Lita Stone arrived in my head fully formed, with even her name attached; it happens like that, sometimes. Next, she would need what she saw in the online world to start affecting her personally―enter the ‘plus-size’ flatmate.

I had a great deal of trouble with the first draft of the book; I’d let it head off in directions that weren’t working, and I nearly scrapped it at 50K words in, but a discussion with my husband helped to streamline the plot. He asked me these two questions: Who is the bad guy? What is the struggle? It was only when I worked this out that the book fell back on track. I’m so glad we had that talk, because I believe Hope to be one of my best books.

If you’re at any stage of your writing career and are about to abandon a book because it’s not working, try discussing it with someone, because it really can help―and if you’re not a writer but a reader, believe me: those plots sometimes arrive out of nowhere, but, more often than not, they take a hell of a lot of mulling over before they hit the page!

Thank you, Lisette, for inviting me to your blog. 🙂

Terry Tyler’s nineteenth published work is a psychological thriller set in a dystopian near future – the UK, Year 2028.

Blogger Lita Stone and journalist Nick Freer live and work online, seeing life through soundbites, news TV and social media. Keeping the outside world at bay in their cozy flat, they observe the ruthless activities of the new PM and his celebrity fitness guru wife, Mona (#MoMo), with the mild outrage that can be quelled simply by writing another blog post.

Meanwhile, in the outside world, multinational conglomerate Nutricorp is busy buying up supermarket chains, controlling the media, and financing the new compounds for the homeless: the Hope Villages.

Lita and Nick suspect little of the danger that awaits the unfortunate, until the outside world catches up with them – and Lita is forced to discover a strength she never knew she possessed.

About the Author

Terry Tyler is the author of nineteen books available from Amazon, the latest being Hope, a dystopian psychological drama set in the UK, a decade into the future. She is currently at work on Blackthorn, a post-apocalyptic stand-alone story set in her fictional city of the same name. Proud to be independently published, Terry is an avid reader and book reviewer, and a member of Rosie Amber’s Book Review Team.

Terry is a Walking Dead addict, and has a great interest in history, (particularly 14th-17th century), and sociological/cultural/anthropological stuff, generally. She loves South Park, Netflix, autumn and winter, and going for long walks in quiet places where there are lots of trees. She lives in the north east of England with her husband.






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Hopeless romantic Tina-Marie Miller is a UK-based author and writer of contemporary fiction/chicklit/cozy mysteries.

Having previously enjoyed a successful career working for a number of blue chip organisations based in London and the Home Counties, Tina-Marie now lives in the South West where she spends her time writing, reading, meditating, and exploring the idyllic countryside.

Time to chat with Tina-Marie!

What is your latest book?

My latest book is entitled Fame and Fortune and was released in October 2018. It is the third book in the Hamptons series. The Hamptons are the fictional villages of Hampton Ash and Hampton Waters that I have created, which are situated in the glorious Cotswolds countryside.

Whilst this book returns readers to the light-heartedness of village life, Fame and Fortune explores the phenomenon of ghosting – the practice of suddenly ending all contact with a person without explanation. I have attempted to tackle this serious issue from different perspectives.

We welcome back many favoured characters too such as Diana Fortune – who was first introduced in The Curious Miss Fortune – and who has become quite the celebrity! In this latest book, Diana puts the newly formed Fortunettes through their paces in preparation for the Cotswolds County Majorette of the Year competition – which of course comes with its challenges!

There are several new characters too; including the glamorous Georgina Fame, a popular weight loss guru whose past is about to catch up with her and a mischievous minx set to cause havoc amongst the Hamptons set!

What are the special challenges in writing a series?

In writing this series, the special challenges have been conjuring up interesting storylines and ensuring that I keep track of all the characters. I like to introduce new people, as well as weave in interactions with as many of the old and favoured characters as possible.

How did you choose the genre you write in? Or did it choose you?

In all honesty, it chose me! The storyline for my debut novel kept whirring around and around my mind until I thought I’d go crazy if I didn’t get it down on paper. From there, it has just continued to develop – and I love it! I’ve certainly got plenty of ideas for further books in this series.

Are your characters ever based on people you know?

Absolutely! I have been most fortunate to have met a wealth of people over the years and I’m an avid people watcher. My characters tend to be a mix of personalities and traits that I’ve gleaned from such interactions.

What do you think some of the greatest misconceptions about indie authors are?

I think the greatest misconception about indie authors is that their work is not up to the same standard as that of a published author. Because indie authors don’t have a large publishing house or agent supporting them, this should not detract in any way from the high level of excellent and must-read books that are being produced from a vast number of talented writers.

How often do your characters surprise you by doing or saying something totally unexpected?

Ha! Quite frequently actually! No matter how much I carefully plan out my books, as soon as I start writing I often find myself taking a character in a direction that I had not anticipated – and it has always worked out for the best so far too!

How important is the choosing of character names to you? Have you ever decided on a name and then changed it because it wasn’t right for the character?

Naming characters is extremely important to me and I spend a lot of time creating them. I don’t like to just ‘pluck’ a name out of thin air – it needs to be befitting of the person I am trying to create. For example, the first name of my character Matt Hudson – who is one of the main characters in the Hamptons series – was changed several times before I finally settled on Matt.

Please, tell us about your experiences with social media. What are your favorite and least-favorite parts of it?

I had no previous experience with social media and ventured nervously into this arena when my first book was self-published. I was amazed at the warm welcome that I received by the writing community and wished I had joined much sooner. I have learnt so much from my fellow writers – and still have a long way to go – but the journey is far more enjoyable with friends.

How much research was involved in writing your book? How did you go about it?

I do undertake a lot of research for my books. I like to write about what I know and therefore it is important that I capture as much of the details as realistically as I can. For The Curious Miss Fortune, two of the characters head off for a romantic weekend away in Cornwall. I was most fortunate in that my beta reader is a Cornish guru – having lived there most of his life – who came up with several suggestions which I was only too happy to check out! I settled on the coastal village of Coverack, which lies in the parish of St Keverne, on the east side of the Lizard peninsula. Its breathtaking scenery will steal your heart and I knew that it was the perfect setting for this particular storyline.

In Fame and Fortune, there was again, an incredible amount of research – particularly for the ghosting storyline. I am most grateful for the advice from the Devon and Cornwall police, who also helped me with a forthcoming storyline – but I shall say no more! Look out for Book 4!

Do you feel your latest book is your personal favorite or one of your previous novels?

I am so proud of each of my books but my favourite so far is The Curious Miss Fortune. There are so many aspects to this book that highlights areas of village life that many of us misjudge. One storyline follows the character of Bridget Rhodes-Brown who is depicted as the longtime suffering wife of Jeremy Rhodes-Brown – known as ‘the major’ – who is a demanding and shouty character that initially gets the hackles rising on the back of your neck. However, as the tale unfolds, readers begin to see his life from a completely different perspective and it is most heartwarming. There is a scene from this book that still evokes tears every time I read it.

Having our work out there to be judged by strangers is often daunting for writers. Do you have any tips on handling a negative review?

The first assessment I received for the MS for my debut novel, Everything Happens For A Reason was so vociferous I almost gave up writing then and there! In fact, I pushed everything aside for the next three months whilst my cheeks smarted heavily from the severity of the ‘tongue lashing’ I had received.

Eventually, my need to write began to overwhelm me and I bravely dug everything out again and began to re-read through the critique and then re-read it several times more before addressing many of the points made. By wading through the negativity I focused on where I could improve the story. When I finally got the courage to publish this first book, you can’t imagine just how taken aback I was by the wonderful and encouraging reviews that came in.

Having since gone on to write two more books in this series, my work has attracted more reviews – both positive and negative. I looked up some of my favourite authors and discovered that they also receive their share of negative reviews. So, I guess I am in good company. Either way, if I can take advice from a review that will improve my writing, then all the better. Otherwise, you just have to accept that you can’t please everyone’s tastes, all of the time.

We all know the old saying; you can’t judge a book by its cover. This is true. However, how much importance do you place on your book cover design?

I think book covers are just as important as the story within and feature highly on my list. When I published my debut novel, Everything Happens For A Reason, I had my cover professionally designed and whilst I was pleased with it at the time, during the months that followed, I realized that the cover did not properly represent the story within. So I re-commissioned the cover design and – wow – what a difference! It really projected my work to a different dimension.

Do you miss spending time with your characters when you finish writing them?

Yes I do! When I finished writing The Curious Miss Fortune, I went straight onto plotting out Fame and Fortune so that I was soon back in the thick of it. I’m currently writing a standalone novel before I begin work on Book 4 in the Hampton series, and I find my thoughts constantly turning to what might be going on in the Hamptons right now!

Where do you live now? If you had to move to another city/state/country, where might that be?

I was born and raised in the historic village of Sutton Courtenay, near Abingdon in Oxfordshire and now live in a small village in south Cornwall. If I had to move to another country it would have to be Germany. I adore the German culture and have spent many happy times there.

Trains, planes, automobiles, or boats?

Automobiles and boats.

If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

There is a publisher that I aspire to be represented by. If I could be invisible for a day I would take myself to the office of my favoured agent there and set about doing everything I could to draw their attention to me and my work. Perhaps I would pop post-it notes – detailing my name and website – around their offices or sneak in a copy or two of my books! It would also present an interesting opportunity to listen to their interactions with authors and their works, and to pick up tips from the centre of the industry.

What was your favorite year of school? Why?

Definitely 1976 – the second hottest summer in the UK since records began and a year filled with many wonderful memories for me. I spent a lot of time with my friends during the school holidays, down by the river or taking long walks through the green, leafy lanes that lead onto one of the two brooks that can be found in the village I grew up in. We’d share a picnic, or various treats that we’d snaffled from our homes and sit with our bare feet in the water, trying to catch tadpoles in empty glass jam-jars. And in later years, when I took my own children to all these favoured spots, I’d sit daydreaming whilst they played happily nearby, conjuring up some of the stories that I’ve since woven into The Hamptons series.

Thank you Lisette for inviting me to your Writers’ Chateau and giving me the opportunity to share a bit more about me and my work. Very best wishes.

It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know you, Tina-Marie. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together!



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Suzy Henderson was born in the North of England and initially pursued a career in healthcare, specialising as a midwife. Years later she embarked upon a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing. That was the beginning of a new life journey, rekindling her love of writing and her passion for history. With an obsession for military and aviation history, she began to write.

Suzy is a member of The Alliance of Independent Authors and the Historical Novel Society and her debut novel, The Beauty Shop, was released in November 2016.

Time to chat with Suzy!

What is your latest book?

Having released my debut novel in November 2016, The Beauty Shop, I’m now writing the next book that I hope to release early 2018. Once again, it’s historical fiction, set mainly in France and covers the mid-1930s to 1944. I’m frantically in the middle of rewrites and edits, and as usual, my main character is shaping the story her way.

How did you choose the genre you write in? Or did it choose you?

Great question. I think it’s fair to say that the historical fiction genre chose me. It all began with my passion for history, mainly military history. Of course, like so many people, there is also a family connection to both world wars, with grandparents, great grandparents and great uncles who served in both conflicts. It’s such a fascinating period, rich in undiscovered and little-known stories and with such remarkable people. I’d like to think that those of us who create within this genre are helping to keep history alive as well as providing exceptional stories for readers.

When I first encountered the story of the Guinea Pig Club – a club for severely burned airmen, and the plastic surgeon who cared for them, I knew I had to write it. I find that I’m drawn to such real people in history – what drives them to do what they do. I’m intrigued by their choices in life and going in search of the answers often uncovers many intriguing facts. For me, I wanted to know what led Archibald McIndoe to do what he did for the burned and injured airmen in his care. Why did he engage pretty girls for his ward, encourage relationships between nurse and patient, allow beer to be freely available and so many other things? His methods were unorthodox, raised many eyebrows and caused many problems within the hospital establishment.

He battled many people to get his own way, which in his mind was the only way. His objective was simple. The men in his care faced a lifetime of ridicule, discrimination and the loss of a previous way of life. He had to change people, society, and attitudes to disability and disfigurement and of course, this is an ongoing issue although times are improving gradually, thanks to people like Archie McIndoe. For a young, handsome pilot to have his whole life ahead of him one day and to feel almost finished the next when his entire face has been burned away, is simply unimaginable and so I found myself compelled to delve into the archives in search of a story. Hence The Beauty Shop was born. The title was the nickname for Archie’s ward at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead. As the men used to say, “it’s where they send you to make you up again.”

How often do your characters surprise you by doing or saying something totally unexpected?

It happens all the time, irrespective of how well I’ve planned each chapter. Just when I think I know where I’m heading, a character takes me on a little detour and it’s always interesting and often useful, becoming an integral part of the story. Usually, it’s my main characters who quite literally take over and re- shape the story, as has happened with my current book, and I found myself having to do further research, covering an area I hadn’t envisaged at all, although I’m so glad of it.

What part of writing a novel do you enjoy the most? The least?

I think I prefer the editing stage, which may seem odd. Planning and writing the first draft is enjoyable but equally frustrating, especially when the writing is not flowing. Things don’t always go to plan as characters have a way of evolving during the written stage, and sometimes more research is required, which hinders my writing. Once I have the complete draft, the real work begins, and that’s the greatest stage for me. I enjoy the shaping and fine polishing phase, but I must admit I’m not so keen on proofreading.

Is it important for you to know the ending of a book before you write it? The title?

The title is not important right at the beginning just as long as I have one in time for the design of the book cover. As for endings, well I do like to have the beginning, the middle and some idea of the end at the planning stage, but like everything, it’s always open to change. Right now, I have three alternative endings for my current book.

We all know the old saying; you can’t judge a book by its cover. This is true. However, how much importance do you place on your book cover design?

The cover is vital – it’s the first thing people will notice in the book store or the Kindle store on Amazon. It must fit your story, look fantastic, and it should stand out. It’s all part of grabbing the reader’s attention. Often, it’s the cover you spot before you read the title, author’s name and certainly any blurb. I’m not a graphic designer or an artist and certainly not competent enough to design my own covers, so I have a professional to do that.

Some writers edit excessively as they write; others wait until a novel is finished to do the bulk of the editing. How about you?

I know many writers who edit as they go, but I simply can’t do it. For me, having tried this, I found it broke my flow and hindered my writing. I prefer to draft and then rewrite and edit afterwards. The first draft is like a free write in a sense – like turning on a tap and going with the flow. I feel it’s where the true story emerges from, and I have no wish to interrupt that.

Do you have any secrets for effective time management?

I wish I did and I’ve concluded that I need to know how to freeze time – that would be incredibly useful but alas I have no superpowers. I think that social media can so easily become a huge drain on your time, especially while you’re at the initial writing stage. I’ve found that I must be strict and limit my time there. I write when I’m most productive which is early mornings and in the evenings. I generally find myself multi-tasking, and I try to keep up with social media during non-writing periods, perhaps when cooking dinner or watching TV. I’ve also begun taking regular breaks away from social media that not only frees up more time but allows you to ‘recharge your batteries’ so to speak. Living in social media can become quite stressful and we all need an occasional rest. You must do what’s right and what works for you at the end of the day.

Were you “born to write” or did you discover your passion for writing later in life?

Oh, for me it most definitely came later in life. I can recall being in English class and having to write stories about our summer holidays or suchlike and I hated it. The problem for me was that I loved reading, and enjoyed stories, but when it came to English studies, my imagination took a vacation! Maybe I’m one of life’s ‘late bloomers’. One benefit of this happens to be life experience. I have so much more now in my fourth decade than I did in my second for instance and it’s a useful tool that influences and shapes my writing.

Do you dread writing a synopsis for your novel as much as most writers do? Do you think writing a synopsis is inherently evil? Why?

I absolutely dread writing the synopsis, which is so ridiculous! The synopsis is essential if you’re pitching your book to agents and publishers. That said, even if you’re self-publishing it’s useful and assists with writing your book blurb for one thing. It sums up your entire book, so if you know what you’re writing about, it shouldn’t be a problem. One benefit of writing the synopsis, I’ve found, is that it identifies any ambiguity and helps you to iron out any niggles with your story and plot.

Have you been involved with the Kindle Direct Program? If yes, do you believe it’s worthwhile?

I’m currently enrolled in KDP, and I believe it is worthwhile even though it means I can’t sell my e-book anywhere else for the duration. However, the benefit of the higher royalty rate and the Kindle lending library perhaps makes up for this. Like many writers I’ve discovered that I get many Kindle reads via the library which is fantastic to see my book being widely read around the world.

Are your characters ever based on people you know?

Sometimes, maybe just a little. I’m probably like many writers in that I observe and listen to people. It’s impossible not to overhear conversations at times, and it’s fascinating to do so. So, the bottom line is that as a writer I’m always collecting information to use later. Sometimes a character may be based on an actor even – I do find movies to be a rich resource and a great writing tool and even the actors themselves, after all, they’re people. There is also a little of myself in my books, which happens to be unavoidable.

If you could add a room onto your current home, what would you put in it?

I would make it a writing room specifically for me so I would have it furnished like a library, with shelves from floor to ceiling filled with books. I’d have my desk, a comfy armchair and a treadmill in the corner – keep fit while I’m creating – I’m a multi-tasker! Perhaps I’d have a coffee-maker too and a lovely wood-burning stove for winter.

What music soothes your soul?

I love music, and I particularly enjoy jazz and classical which I find to be very soothing. Also, different songs or classical pieces fit different pieces of writing and often help set the mood and even aid creativity. It’s amazing how that works and I must say it’s not often that I write without music.

If you are a TV watcher, would you share the names of your favorite shows with us?

Well, here in the UK I’m a long-time fan of a show called Emmerdale. I also love Only Fools and Horses that finished ages ago, so I watch the re-runs. Just recently I discovered the hype over Outlander and became hooked. I watched all the available episodes and am now right up to date and about to begin watching Season 3 – can’t wait!

If you could have one skill that you don’t currently have, what would it be?

I always longed to play the piano but never had the opportunity to learn. Now my youngest son is taking lessons and is becoming quite accomplished. I keep asking him to teach me, and he does try, but I seem to be a slow learner! I used to play the flute, and I can read music, write music even, but learning to play the piano seems to be out of my grasp. It’s going to take time and perseverance.

Where do you live now? If you had to move to another city/state/country, where might that be?

I live in Cumbria, right near the top, so I’m within easy reach of the Scottish borders. We have lakes, mountains, literary connections such as Wordsworth and Beatrix Potter and many fabulous walks. Add to that the rich Roman heritage, Roman Forts and Hadrian’s Wall – it’s an inspiring landscape for many an artist.

If I had to move, I’d hope to relocate to either Lincolnshire or Cambridge in the UK simply because it’s ‘bomber county’ where many of the RAF and USAAF bomber bases were during WW2. There are also many old airfields and aviation museums to visit. Aside from there, I’d probably choose somewhere in the south of France. I love the French language, something I excelled in during my school years – I did far better in French than in English!

Thank you so much for inviting me here today, Lisette. I had fun answering the questions, and it has been an honour. I’d also like to say a massive thank you to all who have read my book. Lest we forget.


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I C Camilleri is a medical doctor and author living in the UK. Her novels include The Blake Soul, The Blake Curse, The Blake Mistake and Week of Lies.

Time to chat with Isabella!

What is your latest book?

Week of Lies was published just over three months ago. It is a revenge thriller and romance set in London and it spans a fateful week of lies and deceit. The opening chapter takes us to New Year’s Day where Beth Banks wakes up to find her father dead in their multimillion pound house in London. It appears to be a suicide, but Beth has her doubts. She looks back on her previous week, her introduction into the cryptic world of Rob Menezes, the righteous law graduate desperately seeking a living, the man she has grown to love and trust despite his many facets. She sets out in search of the truth and she uncovers a dark secret that could radically change her life.

What else have you written?

My first novel, The Blake Curse, was published in 2012. A year later it was nominated for The People’s Book Prize UK, a national competition voted for by the public. After a three-month vote The Blake Curse became one of the three finalists in the Summer 2013 Collection. The next two books in the Blake series, The Blake Soul and The Blake Mistake, were published a year later. Each book could be read as a stand –alone and they could be classified as supernatural thrillers with a romantic background.


How much research was involved in writing your book? How did you go about it?

I use my medical background to mould the backbone of all my novels. The susceptible young mind lost to alcohol and drugs features in The Blake Curse. The sanctity of human life is highlighted in The Blake Soul. The detrimental effect of childhood psychological trauma features in The Blake Mistake. And the dangers of internet pornography are highlighted in Week of Lies. I try to raise awareness…whether I succeed to do this in all my novels remains debatable, I guess, but the intention is there.


What part of writing a novel do you enjoy the most? The least?

I absolutely love that first eureka moment when the idea for a plot starts to germinate. I shut myself in my own world and start to craft scenes and characters. That is where I’m at my best, my happiest moments….which will eventually shatter as soon as the novel is finished and I have to market the book. I absolutely abhor marketing and I’m pretty bad at it too. I guess I was born lacking sales techniques but I try to fumble along, learning from experiences and believing, perhaps naively, that the books will sell on their own if they are good enough.

Is it important for you to know the ending of a book before you write it?

No, not really. I usually have a skeleton outline and the story often adapts and changes as I go along. But that’s the way I do it, others might prefer otherwise.

Some writers edit excessively as they write; others wait until a novel is finished to do the bulk of the editing. How about you?

I think I do a mixture of both, adapting as I move along the storyline. But generally I try to give it a good edit in the end.

Do you dread writing a synopsis for your novel as much as most writers do? Do you think writing a synopsis is inherently evil? Why?

Yes, I dread writing the synopsis, those few precious sentences that are meant to capture the soul of the whole novel. I think that ideally it should be written by someone with a business marketing brain rather than the creative author who knows too much about the story to express it so succinctly.

Do you have any advice for first-time authors?

Writing a good book is the first crucial step…but that is not enough. A business strategy and marketing experience is equally as important. So yes, I would advise to research that side of publishing a book.

Please, tell us about your experiences with social media. What are your favorite and least-favorite parts of it?

Twitter is my main marketing tool. I like socializing and getting to know different people across the globe in between tweets about my novels as well as promoting other authors. I do Facebook too but I find it a bit dry and restricting. I have no websites of my own, I’m still trying to get down to it but time is a commodity these days.

What do you like best about the books you read? What do you like least?

I like a good storyline with powerful characters whatever the genre, be it thrillers, romance, historical novels etc. I am extremely versatile. I read anything and everything and I try to see the beauty and art behind every little book or article I read. There is always something to learn. However, I hate waffling and technical jargon and I tend to skim read over that. I’ve got a science oriented brain and I tend to prefer novels that get straight to the point without a lot of unnecessary words.

Where do you live now? If you had to move to another city/state/country, where might that be?

I was born on the Mediterranean island of Malta but I moved to the UK more than sixteen years ago. Do I regret the move? No, not really. I miss my little island in the sun but I love the rolling green hills of Britain too. I might go back to my roots when my end is near but I’m still thinking about it!!!

If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

You would probably find me immersed in a book had I had the luxury of being invisible and doing whatever takes my fancy. And I would probably read all day too. I wish I could say I would also go cycling or swimming or something equally active but I guess I can’t lie. I should be promoting exercise but alas, listening to music and reading are my only other interests.

What are three things you think we can all do to make the world a better place?

Tolerance, kindness and consideration….in other words to think hard about the consequences of your own actions and always do to others what you would like them to do to you.




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