October 2015
Welcome, Friends!
Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you you’ll enjoy your visit. I’ll give you a brief tour, but first, a little about what I do.
I write strong, character-driven novels, infused with humor, centering on the lives of flawed human beings, in both tragic and funny situations. So far, I’ve published five novels: Crooked Moon, Squalor, New Mexico, Molly Hacker Is Too Picky!, Mystical High, and Desert Star. (The last two, MH & DS are the first two books in my YA paranormal trilogy, The Desert Series. The third book in this series, Drawn Apart, will be published in Fall 2015.
In addition to my novels, I also have two short stories published in an anthology: Triptychs (Mind’s Eye Series Book 3).
For more information about all of these books, just click on the BOOKS tab above or go to Amazon.com.
And because I love to meet and cross promote other authors, if you click on INTERVIEWS WITH FELLOW AUTHORS, you’ll meet some really great people at Lisette’s Writers’ Chateau. While I interview authors every Monday, I publish new blogs and guest blogs as time and inspiration permit. Depending on the kind of week I’m having, you never know what you may find.
The MEDIA tab is the place where you’ll find links to some of the fine authors who have interviewed me or written about my work.
For those who may not know, my novel Molly Hacker Is Too Picky! has its own site, www.mollyhacker.com. I blogged regularly for over eight months as Molly and I also interviewed creative peers as Molly.
Just click on the CONTACT tab to get in touch with me or to connect with me in my favorite cyberspace hangouts.
Thanks for visiting! It’s great to see you. I know you’ve got a busy schedule and it means a lot to me that you took time to stop by.