

  1. Nicely done, Sarah!
    There was information in there that I didn’t know about you. Unlike you, I usually know the ending and title before I start writing a short story.
    Thanks for sharing all your thoughts on writing and good luck with your career.
    – Stephen

    • Thanks for reading and commenting, Stephen! And for introducing me to Lisette. 🙂 Yes, you’re lucky you know the ending before you start to write. I wish I could do that. It’s interesting how everyone’s writing process is so different.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your interview, Sarah. I love fiction and haven’t the courage to try it. Non-fiction is my niche. But, oh, how I love to read fiction. I also enjoy reading about the process. There are similarities.
    I’ve often wondered how I’d do in a writer’s group. I’m not much for group’s and in non-fiction some colleagues who claimed to be supportive were anything but so I learned some hard lessons that made me unable to expose my work that way.

    I hope you’ll write your mother’s biography soon. I say that from the viewpoint of a woman whose mother wanted her to write her family’s story but didn’t feel equipped to do it. Now she’s gone and there is no one left to tell those stories. Time passes and the things we think we’ll never forget can be gone before you know it…..

    • I’m so glad you enjoyed my interview, Darlene. Yes, a writing group can be anything but rewarding if it’s not the right group. It took me a couple tries to find the right one (one even told me not to come back!) and once I did, it immediately clicked and I knew I was in for good. I think you’re so right about recording special moments and relaying the past before it’s forgotten. That’s my fear too with my mom. One of my jobs is a transcriber and I’ve had many clients who want to tell their story so later generations can read about it. Thank you for reading and sharing!

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