Hi, Everyone:

How many of you remember being read to by your mother or father when you were a child?

When I was a child, I remember my mother reading poetry to my brother and me, and as I grew up, I remember her writing it. During her 20s and 30s, she wrote hundreds of poems. In her late 30s, she went back to work, and her love for writing poetry was set aside.

My mother, Dr. Jean Lisette Brodey, a retired Temple University journalism professor, is now in her 80s. About a year ago, I asked her where her poems were, and she said she feared they were lost. I knew they were not, as I’d seen them in her house. During a visit back to Philadelphia in September 2012, I found the poetry and began making plans to choose 50-some poems for a small collection.


That is how the book My Way to Anywhere began. Most of the poetry, expressed through imagery, abstract concepts, and word portraits, is about people who affected my mother’s life. My favorite poem in the book is called “An Ending.” It is a poem that tells of the death of my mother’s friend’s 27-year-old husband who died of cancer.

Here is an excerpt:

Why do we rend the days with our grief?

He would not have it so

For he respected life

Too much to bewail its passing

And death was too obscure

To have a place in his philosophy.

The thing has been decreed

(he would have said)

So if you have to pause

Let it be to reason

Not to mutter or complain

Then go on to ponder things

That somehow can be explained.

Death is a void, that’s all.

He would not toy with idle questions

For reason was his god and he was twenty-seven.

On a lighter note, there is a section of the book called FOR CHILDREN. Here is one short poem:


A wondrous number is 2.

There’s so much

2 can do!

2’s less than 3

2’s more than 1.

2 is an awful lot of fun!

My Way to Anywhere is not my mother’s first book. In 1983, through Westminster Press, she published Mid-Life Careers.

Mid-life Careers


The heading above is probably the last thing you’d expect in a blog about my mother and her poetry book. Well, let me explain.

When Mid-Life Careers came out, my mother did a great deal of publicity for the book in Philadelphia, New York, and Los Angeles.

One of her bookings was on an early morning Los Angeles talk show, and Jay Leno was one of the other guests. I have no idea why, but Jay was cooking up chicken wings on the show. My mother had five minutes to talk about her book, and while on the air, Jay came over to her and said he’d like “the doctor” to taste his chicken wings. My mother wasn’t about to give up her five minutes tasting Jay’s chicken wings and promptly declined, whereupon Jay called her a “party pooper” or something like that. After that, she was never a fan of Jay’s. I think she’s gotten over it, though. But I do remember having to rip off the cover of her TV Guide when he was on it. (And yes, it was the very same cover seen below!)


On a New York talk show, my mother was lucky enough to be a guest along with legendary singer Eartha Kitt and after the show enjoyed a wonderful lunch with her.

But the most memorable moment after the publication of Mid-Life Careers was seeing a downtown Philadelphia bookstore filled with copies of her book. What author wouldn’t love that?

Throughout her career as a tenured professor at Temple University teaching public relations, my mother won many prestigious awards, including induction into the Philadelphia Public Relations Association’s Hall of Fame.



Well, enough of my reminiscing. I have interviewed my mother for this blog, and I do hope you’ll enjoy meeting her.

When did your love of poetry begin?

When I was about five years old, my mother read Robert Louis Stevenson’s A Child’s Garden of Verses to me. It was better than hearing a story. The rhymes delighted me, and I found them to be lots of fun. Because the poems were read to me on a regular basis, they became a part of my young life. I still remember some of the poems by heart, such as “My Shadow” and “The Swing.”

Do you remember when you wrote your first poem?

I don’t remember my first poem. But when I was in the first or second grade, I wrote a poem and showed it to my father. I told him that I had written it, but he didn’t seem to believe me. He asked me again if I had written it and then asked me if I had copied it out of a poetry book. I was pleased that he thought it was that good, but I was also hurt that he didn’t think I had written it.

Did any of your grade school teachers recognize your talent for writing poetry?

I can’t recall which grade it was, but I had a teacher named Mrs. Schulke who liked my poetry so much that she had it illustrated by a talented student named George Logan and put it together in a book for me.

Did your love for poetry continue throughout junior high and high school?

Yes, as a matter of fact, under my photo yearbook in Philadelphia’s General Louis Wagner Junior High School, I stated that I wanted to be a journalist when I grew up. I didn’t really know what journalists did; I just knew that they wrote. And I figured that they wrote poetry.

I remember writing poems for special occasions. A poem I wrote for my aunt Nancy is still in my head. It goes like this:

On Christmas and your birthday,

Any occasion of the year,

You can always depend on stockings,

That come from Nancy dear.

You earned a degree in journalism from Penn State University. What did you hope to do with your degree?

I wanted a job that involved writing, but I had no specific expectations. At a local youth hostel, while attending a meeting for hiking and camping enthusiasts, I met a man who was a job recruiter. Through him, I was hired at the Frank H. Fleer Company in Philadelphia. The company manufactured Double Bubble gum, and I was hired to edit the company’s internal publication and to write facts and fortunes for bubble gum wrappers. During my three years at this company, I got married and then became pregnant with the person interviewing me right now.

When did you seriously begin writing poetry?

Once I stopped working outside the home, my love for writing poetry became more intense.

How did you judge your own work? Did you think you were a good poet? How does one define “good” in terms of poetry?

The answers are complex. For every poem I wrote, I had a general idea of what I wanted to say and how I hoped readers would perceive it. Even though I wrote in abstract terms, it was always my hope that my words would stir the reader. My right to use the label “poet” often changed depending on my own feelings about a poem and other people’s comments. Sometimes how I felt had nothing to do with the poetry and everything to do with what was going on in my life.

You felt very strongly about the widow of poet Edgar Lee Masters, Ellen Coyne Masters. She had a great influence on your work. Please tell us more.

I met Mrs. Masters at Penn State (Ogontz campus), where she was teaching an adult class in reading literature. When I first saw her, I had strong negative feelings. But those feelings changed very quickly into positive ones. She had a strong personality, and I suppose not knowing her at first, I perceived her differently.

Shortly after meeting her, I read her late husband’s masterpiece, Spoon River Anthology, which is a collection of fictional epitaphs about a community called Spoon River. I was inspired by the work of Edgar Lee Masters. I even wrote some fictional epitaphs of my own in the same vein. [Two of them are included in My Way to Anywhere.] I also was inspired to write poems about the poet and his wife.

Mrs. Masters was gracious enough to look at my poetry from time to time and encouraged me to write more. Positive reinforcement from her gave me an incredible joie de vivre.

Do you remember the first time one of your poems was accepted for publication?

Yes! My family and I had been away on vacation, and the post office was holding my mail. When I went to collect the mail, I saw a letter from a national poetry magazine. I opened it up and found out that it was an acceptance. I was overjoyed, thrilled, and, most importantly, felt like a poet.

Who are some of your favorite poets to read?

My favorite poet is Wallace Stevens. I also love Emily Dickinson, Amy Lowell, Walt Whitman, James Joyce, e. e. cummings, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Theodore Roethke, William Wordsworth, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and, of course, Edgar Lee Masters.

Your poetry is now being published some 50 to 60 years after you wrote it. How does that make you feel?

Wonderful. I had stopped writing poetry after I went back to work. Several years later, I earned my master’s and doctorate degrees in education and worked until retirement as a journalism professor at Temple University in Philadelphia, so there was no time in my life to pursue poetry. Having this collection of my poetry published now makes me realize how important poetry has always been to me.

Thanks for a great interview, Mom!

September 14, 2014: It is with a very heavy heart that I must add that my mother died on April 30, 2014. I was blessed to be with her at the very end.

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Molly Ringle has been writing stories since middle school, and especially likes creating fiction about love, humor, and frequently the paranormal. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family, because a climate without rain would make her sad.

MollyRingleTime to chat with Molly!

Can you tell us about your road to publication?

It got off to a slow start, with years and years of rejections, nibbles that ended up going nowhere, and publication by small houses that soon went out of business. But finally in 2008 The Wild Rose Press accepted my manuscript, The Ghost Downstairs. Hurray! My experience with that press was so positive that I decided to approach another small press (Central Avenue Publishing) two years later for one of my YA titles, What Scotland Taught Me. The editors there have turned out to be wonderful and attentive too, and we’re now talking together about my next novel, a YA paranormal based in Greek mythology.


What do you like best about the books you read? What do you like least?

I like novels that bring a setting alive for me, and have lovable characters who feel real. Moments of humor are always appreciated, as well as fresh ways of phrasing things; and, of course, a plot that makes me want to keep reading. Accordingly, books I dislike tend to feature anything that bores me or pulls me out of the moment: info dump (“the author did a lot of research and is going to make you pay for it”), characters who are flat or annoying or who don’t lift a finger to get themselves out of scrapes, and clunky phrases or excessive clichés.

How much research was involved in writing your books? How did you go about it?

One type of research I did with both What Scotland Taught Me and Relatively Honest was to employ Britpickers. I’ve been to the UK, but my memory isn’t perfect, and neither is Internet research. So I sent the manuscripts to British friends and begged them to fix the dialects, the setting details, anything they could catch. And I’m glad I did, because they all caught things I never would have guessed were wrong.


Do you allow others to read your work in progress, or do you keep it a secret until you’ve finished your first draft? Can you elaborate?

When I was a teenager, I used to have my sister and friends read my works in progress. But these days I feel more comfortable composing a semi-decent complete draft before unveiling it to others. I tend to feel first drafts are not to be seen. I do my own first round of fixes and edits before even letting the beta readers see it. If nothing else, I don’t want to make everyone tired of the story before it’s even officially done. For my upcoming YA paranormal, I have posted occasional small excerpts to show people what I’m up to–just a few lines here and there. I’m hoping those serve as teasers or appetizers, making people curious to read it later. But even posting those made me a bit nervous.

Have you received reactions/feedback to your work that has surprised you? In what way?

It interests me when some readers hate the protagonists and others love them. This has happened most dramatically with both What Scotland Taught Me and Relatively Honest. The teen narrators for those books make a lot of ethically dubious decisions, which I knew would pose problems for some readers. And indeed, for the Scotland novel, some hate Eva (the narrator) while loving Laurence (another main character); but others ended up feeling vice-versa. And with Relatively Honest, I’ve had some people say narrator Daniel is loathsome scum, while I’ve had others say he’s lovely and tame and adorable. What I’m hoping this means is I’ve created actual three-dimensional characters with many facets, just like real people

Do you write anything besides novels? Care to share?

Parodies, mainly. I find it funny to condense a whole movie or book into a ridiculously short format (say, a few pages), which alone is amusing, but which I augment by cracking jokes along the way. I’ve done this for several of the Harry Potter books, and the Lord of the Rings films, as well as the unabridged Les Misérables (they’re all available on my website), and people seem to like them. Despite my laughs at the expense of these films/books, I only write parodies for material I honestly like. I wouldn’t bother spending that much time and effort for something I didn’t like.

If you were to write a non-fiction book, what might it be about?

Perfume. It’s one of my main hobbies and biggest non-literature-related loves. Scents fascinate me because of how closely they’re tied to our emotions and memories, and perfume is the art form of the scent world. So when it’s well done, it makes me swoon. Plus it involves a lot of science, and science is sexy.

Having our work out there to be judged by strangers is often daunting for writers. Do you have any tips on handling a negative review?

Just don’t answer it. Anything you say will call attention to it. Silence is the best revenge. And, if you’re lucky, you’ll have fans come to your defense with their own outrage, which is always satisfying.

We all know the old saying; you can’t judge a book by its cover. This is true. However, how much importance do you place on your book cover design?

I love my covers, because I’ve been very lucky: both of my publishers asked for my input on what I’d like the covers to look like, then employed graphic artists to create them. (Good thing, since I have almost no graphic art skills myself.) Are they important? I think they are, more than the old saying would indicate. We can’t help being psychologically influenced by a cover. Haven’t we all hesitated to be seen in public with some book whose cover features a couple ripping off each other’s clothes, or a gory weapon splattered with blood and a cheesy horror font?

Have you ever wished that you could bring a character to life? If so, which one and why?

I wish it with every book. And of course these days I wouldn’t mind meeting some of my Greek-god characters. But one of the most enduring favorites of mine who I’d like to meet is Daniel, narrator of Relatively Honest. His whole persona revolves around being charming, flattering, clever, and hot. Plus he’s got a London accent. So, though it’s shallow of me, naturally I want to meet him, just to listen to him talk, and to let him flatter me. Even though I already set up a girlfriend for him.

Where do you live now? If you had to move to another city/state/country, where might that be?

I live in Seattle, and most of the time I’m content to be here. But sometimes I miss the warmer, milder climate of Oregon, where I grew up–especially the smaller cities with less traffic. I also suspect I’d do pretty well living in Provence or the south of England, but those are more like pipe dreams. I do require pretty landscapes and some rain in the climate.

Trains, planes, automobiles, or boats?

I can’t help thinking trains are coolest, and my young sons would agree. But planes sure are faster. I just wish they’d give you more legroom without asking an exorbitant fee.

Care to brag about your family?

My parents, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts–they’re all quirky, hilarious, and far above average in intelligence. They’re a fabulous gene pool to have come from, and I treasure them. As for my main household: my 3-year-old can already read lots of words! My 7-year-old has gotten 100% on all his spelling tests this year! And my husband puts up with me with far more grace than anyone, ever! That alone qualifies him for a Nobel Prize, believe me.

If you could add a room onto your current home, what would you put in it?

This is surely not the most practical answer, but what first leaped to my mind was, “Greenhouse!” A sunroom/mudroom, basically, would be awesome. Glass walls or at least big windows on three sides, lots of plants, space to leave your muddy boots before entering the rest of the house, and informal places to sit and read. Maybe we could camp out in there on warm summer nights. Yeah. All sounds pretty good.

Do you have any guilty pleasures?

Most sane people would say I have a ridiculously large number of perfume samples, decants, and bottles, more than I can use in a decade. So sniffing at those, and selecting the “right” one to wear each day to suit my mood, probably counts as a guilty pleasure. Also chocolate. Not a day goes by without my nibbling bittersweet Ghirardelli chocolate chips.




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Mike Roche is an adjunct instructor of Criminal Justice and retired from the U.S. Secret Service. He is the author of Face 2 Face – Observation, Interviewing and Rapport Building, Mass Killers: How You Can Identify Workplace, School, or Public Killers Before They Strike, and three works of fiction, The Blue Monster, Coins of Death and Karma!

What else have you written?

I am an eclectic writer. I have written two police procedurals with a hardboiled female detective, The Blue Monster and Coins of Death, one YA mystery/romance that explores the trauma of bullying called Karma! Oh yeah, I have also written a nonfiction rapport building and observation techniques based on my experience with the Secret Service, called Face 2 Face. I am working on a historical fiction along with several other works in progress.


What do you think some of the greatest misconceptions about indie authors are?

That we are not “real writers.” Yes, there are a number of people that are hobbyists or should not have been published, but that is up to the readers to decide. With the contraction of the publishing industry, the opportunity to become traditionally published is becoming more daunting. Many of the New York Times best sellers can hold up countless rejection letters from agents and publishers. In today’s market, how many of those same authors would have chosen the Indie path? All of the Indie authors I have known are dedicated to their profession and craft. Guy Kawasaki, termed us as artisan author/publisher/entrepreneurs (APE’s).


Is it important for you to know the ending of a book before you write it? The title?

I have a general sense of where the book will end, but it is fluid. I enjoy escaping with my fictional friends and letting them make the final decision. In The Blue Monster, I initially had Frank Duffy as a minor figure, but he weaseled into almost a co-starring role with Kate Alexander. As I came towards the end, I decided to add an unexpected twist. In Coins of Death, the final scene was added after my wife’s input from reading the manuscript. Aside from Coins of Death, each of my works has had a number of title changes.


Please, tell us about your experiences with social media. What are your favorite and least-favorite parts of it?

I have a blog on my website at Mikeroche.com in which I provide relationship advice. I have a Facebook page and LinkedIn, but I really do not promote those platforms. I spend most of my time on Twitter. As I told you and wrote a post on this, I was like the teenager making their way into the cool surf of the Jersey Shore. As I became more acclimated, I have made many online friends. It is a beautiful community, where most everyone is accepted. Just like at Thanksgiving, stay away from religion and politics. There is a considerable time commitment to engage in the community, but it is invigorating when you interact with friends, fans and other writers. I am always impressed by those that are gracious and humble. Many of those on Twitter are willing to share and help promote others. Like the pioneer days when they would have a barn-raising in which the community collected together to help a neighbor. Being Irish, Twitter reminds me of the pub mentality, where everyone drops in and huddles around the bar sharing gossip and stories.

How much research was involved in writing your book? How did you go about it?

Despite spending a career in law enforcement, I still have to fact check and I have a considerable library of reference books. Technology is always changing. In Face 2 Face, my bibliography was eleven pages. I am working on an historical fiction on Irish immigration and there was considerable research involved. I recently visited the Five Points section of New York and the West of Ireland last year for more perspective.



Do you allow others to read your work in progress, or do you keep it a secret until you’ve finished your first draft? Can you elaborate?

I typically do not allow anyone to read until the first draft is complete. There are too many dream stealers that dampen the synergy. I did share Karma! I wanted to gauge the interest of the young adult target audience. At the 8,000 word mark I shared the beginning with my daughter. She was in her late teens, so I continued when she gave me the thumbs up.

Having our work out there to be judged by strangers is often daunting for writers. Do you have any tips on handling a negative review?

Most authors I speak with are hurt personally by negative reviews. Most everyone is stung from rejection. We have invested a great deal of time and money in the project. Due to the anonymity of the internet, some reviews can be very caustic and some have an agenda. I use my wife as a filter. She reads the good ones and if there is a negative one with valid criticism, she will paraphrase for me. I look at Stephen King, Michael Connelly and Lee Childs all have one-star reviews for their best selling books.

We all know the old saying; you can’t judge a book by its cover. This is true. However, how much importance do you place on your book cover design?

Professor Nalini Ambady’s research has demonstrated that a first impression is completed in less than two seconds. Author Joe Konrath has beat the gavel on this issue as well. My first cover artist went missing. In a panic, I went looking for a replacement. I found an author’s covers that popped off the screen and I contacted him. His cover artist is Lynn Hansen, and she has been fun to work with. A good cover is well worth the investment. Do it yourself covers, often have that appearance. Don’t judge yourself; allow others to provide input.

How would you define your style of writing?

My writing is based upon an amalgam of experiences and characters that I met in my 33 years in law enforcement. I enjoy writing complex plots, and hosting an eclectic group of characters thrown into a caldron. I am heavy on dialogue and let the characters tell the story as they expose their personality.

Where do you live now? If you had to move to another city/state/country, where might that be?

I live in Tampa and I love it. If I were compelled to relocate, I would chose either Denver or New York. I have always enjoyed the abstract of Denver’s architecture and terrain. It is a great walking city as is New York. I enjoy the diversity of the entertainment and dining experiences in large cities. Dublin and London would also be high on my list since I sunburn easily.

What’s your favorite comfort food? Least favorite food?

I enjoy creating culinary delights in my kitchen, but I still fall back on NY Pizza. My least favorite is anything that swims. I cook it, but I will not eat seafood.

What are the most important traits you look for in a friend?

Loyalty, integrity and dependability. I love someone that feels comfortable enough to ask for a favor and one that will offer a favor without being asked.

What music soothes your soul?

I have a very eclectic music collection. For soothing, I enjoy light classical or smooth jazz.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Rude, arrogant and egotistical people. Does that count as one or three peeves?

What are three things you think we can all do to make the world a better place?

Slow down and listen.

Demonstrate genuine respect for others.

Look for random acts of kindness that you can deliver to improve someone’s day.





Mass Killers: How You Can Identify Workplace, School, or Public Killers Before They Strike

Email: mike@mikeroche.com




What is your latest book?

My last published novel was released in October 2012. It’s called The Dream Merchant Saga: Book Three The Crack’d Shield. It is a YA fantasy co-written with my teenaged daughter Nia. The latest book I am in the process of writing is the 10th novel in the Imago Chronicles series, an adult epic fantasy.

I hear you have some very exciting news! Can you share it with us?

Yes! The first three novels in the Imago Chronicles series have been optioned for a major motion picture trilogy planned for a worldwide theatrical release in 2014. An Oscar nominated/two-time Golden Globe winning production team is at the helm of this project; the screenplay is done, the line producer has determined the budget based on the screenplay, a major film distributor is on board and 100% of financing has been secured, so movie development is now underway!


What do you think some of the greatest misconceptions about indie authors are?

I was surprised when I discovered some readers and book reviewers refused to touch my novels because I’m self-published! Even though my writing was worthy of literary representation and is currently in movie development and they’ve received some great reviews, these readers cannot be swayed to read my novels. Apparently, they’ve read a number of self-published novels that were just poorly written or were not properly or professionally edited; they didn’t want to chance another terrible read. With one broad stroke of a brush, we’ve all been painted as amateur writers when there are some professionals out there that take indie publishing very seriously! Many use professional editors, use feedback from Beta readers and hire professional cover designers to put out products as good as, if not better, than some traditionally published titles!

Is it important for you to know the ending of a book before you write it? The title?

The title, not so much, but probably with the last ten of the thirteen novels I’ve written so far, I’ve written the ending first. The story is the journey the characters undertake to get to that ending.

Do you write anything besides novels? Care to share?

I’ve written everything from a documentary that was aired on The Biography Channel to scripts for a weekly TV adventure travel show (West Coast Adventures recently hit the international airwaves). I’ve even written a script for a themed fundraiser where the hosts were dressed as characters from Alice in Wonderland! Basically, I’ll tackle most things as a freelance writer, but writing fantasy is my first love.

Do you have any advice to a new author if they asked you whether to pursue the traditional route to publishing or to start out as an independent writer?

If your ultimate goal is to have your stories read, then indie is probably a great way to go, but I still run into aspiring authors who believe that unless you are traditionally published, you have no credibility as an author. It comes down to the individual and what your expectations are. If you’re willing to find a credible literary agent with a proven sales record and you don’t mind waiting 18-24 months to see your novel on the shelf of a bookstore (that’s only if the agent can sell it) and believe you only have validation as a writer if you are traditionally published, then this is the only way to go.

Many authors do giveaways; have you found them a successful way to promote your book?

I’ve tried the free giveaways via the Kindle Direct Program and it generated only a handful of sales of the sequel to the free novel and ‘0’ new reviews. I spoke to some who took advantage of these free downloads and they admitted they love anything that’s free. They also said they often have so many titles they had downloaded, by the time they go through their eReader, they don’t even remember why they downloaded some of the titles (other than it was free) and admitted they just delete them without even reading the ebook.

I found the amount I received from the sequels being borrowed from the Lending Library was less than I would have received if I had sold the sequels instead.

I also discovered that those who invested in the books by buying them were more inclined to read that first book. Happily, about 93-97% of those buying the first book in either the Imago or Dream Merchant series return to buy some or all the books in the series. I even had some crossing over from the Imago series to read the other books in the Dream Merchant series, and vice versa, once they were done just to keep reading my novels. This is a very gratifying feeling! 😉

Have you been involved with the Kindle Direct Program? If yes, do you believe it’s worthwhile?

I tried it for The Magic Crystal and The Silver Sword, books one and two of the Dream Merchant Saga and even though I made it to the top 10 free fantasy download during the 5 days of free giveaway, either people hated it so much they couldn’t be bothered to post a review or come back for the sequel (only about 5 borrows) or they didn’t read it at all! As I said in the above question, those who had invested by paying for it were the ones returning for more!

Also, I do make sales via Smashwords, particularly through the Apple Store and Kobo, but if you’re with Kindle Direct, you can’t make sales to those who prefer to buy anywhere else but Amazon.

I feel uncomfortable letting Amazon have a monopoly on book sales and I believe readers should be able to buy from the retailer of their choice. Plus, I’ve had readers tell me they love that with Smashwords, once you download an ebook, it won’t mysteriously disappear. Plus, if you switch from say a Kindle to a Kobo or iPad, if you bought through Smashwords, you can transfer these titles. Apparently, you cannot do this with Amazon purchases. You must buy them again to download onto your new reader!

What’s your favorite comfort food? Least favorite food?

Favorite comfort food: Homemade beef vegetable soup, heavy on the veggies & barley. Least favorite: Beef vegetable soup from a can.

What’s the coolest surprise you’ve ever had?

My hubby & daughter matted and framed the signed photographs of the cast from The Lord of the Rings trilogy I had languishing in a folder for years! It looks fabulous! Second surprise that was not so cool? My hubby wanted to hang these framed photos on a small wall directly behind a door that is open 98% of the time so none would see it unless that said door is closed! lol

What might we be surprised to know about you?

I am only slightly bigger/taller than my Twitter avatar! And many are quite surprised to learn that in spite of my puny size, I’m a 5th dan black belt practitioner/instructor in a discipline that incorporates 6 traditional samurai schools and 3 schools of ninjutsu and until last year, all my students were men.









Cassius Shuman is an acclaimed journalist, playwright, screenwriter, and novelist who grew up in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. After an arm injury derailed his dreams of playing professional baseball, he segued into broadcast journalism, which established the foundation for his writing and producing career. He resides in Los Angeles, where he works in the television, film, and communications business.

Time to chat with Cassius!

What is your latest book?

My latest book, which is my debut novel, is called The Dead Boy’s Legacy. It is about a missing boy, the family who loves him and the man who abducted him.


What else have you written?

I started in the broadcasting business where I wrote and produced daily newscasts. I have written numerous stage plays, screenplays and short stories.

What part of writing a novel do you enjoy the most? The least?  

The part I enjoy most about writing a novel is the challenge of facing the blank page, and being pleasantly surprised by what my imagination manages to create from mere whimsy. The part I like least is editing the work. It is tedious, meticulous and exhausting work. I admire those souls who have a gift for it like my editor Adam Bodendieck, who did an incredible job with The Dead Boy’s Legacy.

Some writers edit excessively as they write; others wait until a novel is finished to do the bulk of the editing. How about you?

I like to edit as I write. I usually edit a chapter immediately after writing it. I will go back through and look at it from every possible angle to ensure that it was written properly from a story and grammatical standpoint. That way there is less work (I’m hoping) for me, and subsequently the editor, when the work/book is finished.

Is it important for you to know the ending of a book before you write it? The title?

It’s not important, or essential, for me to know the ending of a story that I’m telling before I begin writing, but I like to have a vague idea, or notion, about what the ending might be. That being said, I think that not knowing all of the details of the ending provides for more magic, or happy accidents, to happen on the page when you reach the ending. Now, when it comes to the title, I like to know what it is before I begin writing. I usually figure that out in the conception stage.

Were you “born to write” or did you discover your passion for writing later in life?

I firmly believe that I was born to write. I think that it is an extension of my artistic side. I started out as an art major in college. But, I first discovered that I possessed a gift for storytelling in high school when I wrote short stories for class, and that was further validated when I worked in the broadcasting business. It has always been my passion, whether or not I knew it at a young age.

Are you an early bird writer or night owl? And do you have any must haves like coffee, chocolates, wine, music or something else?

I write whenever I feel compelled to sit down and do so. This can be in the morning, or very late at night. I have often awakened in the middle of the night and sprinted to my computer to get something down on the page. And I don’t need anything when I write. In fact, I often forget to eat, drink, or do anything else when I am writing. My imagination is the only thing that I require. 🙂

We all know the old saying; you can’t judge a book by its cover. This is true. However, how much importance do you place on your book cover design?

Unfortunately, I think that the saying, “You can’t judge a books by its cover,” does not apply to marketing a book. I believe that a good, eye-catchy cover design is essential to capturing a reader’s attention when they’re perusing the bookshelves both in the store and online.

How would you define your style of writing?

One word: Truthful.

If you were to advertise your book on a bumper sticker, what would it say?

The Killer, The Killed – That was the headline in the Sunday edition of The Herald News about my book. I thought it was pretty smart.

If you could have one skill that you don’t currently have, what would it be?

That I could sing. I’ve always admired people who could do that.

What was your favorite year of school? Why?

My favorite year of school was senior year of high school. Everything seemed fun and life ahead seemed to hold limitless possibilities.

What’s your favorite film of all times? Favorite book?

My favorite movie is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Newman and Redford were amazing in a classic western story written by William Goldman. My favorite book is probably Lord of the Flies by William Golding. I read it when I was young in school and it had a profound impact upon me.

What are three things you think we can all do to make the world a better place?

Give back with a generous heart. Be an agent-for-change. And, be the best that we can be on a daily basis to make the world a better place.

What might we be surprised to know about you?

I think that you might be surprised to know that I have a silly, funny side. Just because I write primarily about serious subject matter doesn’t mean that I can’t have a good laugh every now and then. 😉

Thank you, Lisette, for hosting me on your blog! (My extreme pleasure, Cash!)




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